
It's Time to Play Big, Step Into Your Authentic Power


It's Time to Play Big, Step Into Your Authentic Power

Don't do it alone

Let me assist you with getting out of your head and back into your heart!  As a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, I want to guide you to tap into your feminine essence and live the life you were designed to live. It’s easy to follow the path that others expect of you – go to the “right” school, study a certain field, get married, climb the corporate ladder. But is that truly what you want? Are you living a life aligned with your authentic self, or are you simply doing what has been expected of you? Together, we’ll peel back the layers of societal conditioning and rediscover the woman you were meant to be. My coaching will help you tune into your inner wisdom, honor your deepest desires, and boldly craft a life that fills you with purpose and joy. It’s time to stop playing small and start embodying your brilliant, radiant truth.

Are you an ambitious women who's tired of the HUSTLE life?
  • It’s time to listen to your enter calling and embrace your passion and purpose.
  • Stop putting off prioritizing YOU!
  • Create boundaries that allow you have more ease and flow in your life.
  • Begin to ask for what you need and stop being the Care Giver, and allow others to cater to YOU!
  • Release risistance and learn to ebrace peace and happiness.
  • Eliminate self-talk that keeps you stuck.
  • Stop doing what everyone else things or wants you to do, and start designing the life that you desire to live.

Living Softly: Your 90-Day Path to Peace, Alignment, and Freedom *Beta Test

Welcome to Your Transformative Path to a Stress-Free, Heart-Centered Life

Are you ready to break free from the constant hustle and reclaim your personal time? Do you yearn to align with your heart’s true desires, achieve work-life balance, and prioritize what truly matters? Our 90-day Soft Life coaching program is designed for individuals like you who are ready to embrace a life of ease, joy, and fulfillment.

What is the Soft Life?

The Soft Life is about letting go of stress and struggle, and leaning into a life of balance, authenticity, and joy. It’s about creating a lifestyle where you prioritize your well-being, live aligned with your heart’s desires, and enjoy every moment. Our program will guide you through a holistic journey of mindset shifts, heart-centered living, inspired actions, and sustainable practices.

Join the Beta Test for The Soft Life Group Coaching Program!

Be Among the First to Experience a Transformative Journey to Peace, Alignment, and Freedom

I am beyond excited to invite you to be part of the exclusive beta test for my brand-new program, The Living Softly Group Coaching Program. This unique opportunity allows you to be one of the first participants in a transformative journey designed to help you live a stress-free, heart-centered life.

What’s Happening?

Initially conceived as a luxurious retreat, we’ve adapted to current needs and are thrilled to offer this powerful program in a group coaching format. This means you can now embark on this incredible journey from the comfort of your own home!

Why Join the Beta Test?

  • Special Beta Test Discount: As a thank you for being part of this first group, you’ll receive a significantly reduced participation fee.
  • Exclusive Access: Only 12 slots are available to ensure personalized attention and a tight-knit community of like-minded individuals.
  • Your Feedback Matters: Help shape the future of this program with your valuable insights and experiences.
  • Early Adopter Benefits: Be the first to experience and benefit from this life-changing program.

Program Overview

Our 90-day journey is designed to help you:

  • Break free from chronic stress and burnout
  • Reclaim your personal time and set healthy boundaries
  • Connect deeply with your heart’s desires
  • Achieve a harmonious work-life balance
  • Take inspired actions towards your goals
  • Embrace a state of being rather than constant doing
  • Develop daily practices that support a joyful, balanced life

What’s Included in the Beta Program?

  • 12 Weekly Group Coaching Calls: Interactive sessions where we dive deep into focus topics, exercises, and homework.
  • Private Online Community: Access to a supportive group of like-minded individuals.
  • Resource Library: Guided meditations, worksheets, and additional resources.
  • Email Support: Ongoing support for any questions or guidance needed throughout the program.
  • Lifetime Access: To recorded coaching calls and program materials.

Important Details

  • Date: The exact start date is yet to be selected. We will notify you well in advance.
  • Availability: Limited to only 12 participants to ensure an intimate and supportive group experience.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to be part of the beta test for Living Softly Group Coaching Program. Spaces are limited, and this special offer won’t last long.

Register Now to secure your spot and embark on your journey to living a Soft Life!

Don’t Miss Out on This Limited Opportunity!


Q: What if I can’t make a coaching call? A: All calls are recorded, and you’ll have lifetime access to the recordings.

Q: Do I need any prior experience? A: No prior experience is needed. This program is designed for anyone ready to embrace a Soft Life.

Q: How much time will I need to commit each week? A: Plan to spend about 1-2 hours per week on the coaching calls, exercises, and homework.

Q: What if I have more questions? A: Feel free to contact us at email with any additional questions you may have.

Q: What are the cost? A: The program is only $297 for Beta, which is only $24.75 per week.

Q: When will the program begin? A: September 7, 2024

In Their Words

Here is what my clients and colleagues have to say…

"I absolutely love Cha Jones! She is a dynamic speaker and a motivating, engaging coach. She has helped me work through some of the most pressing issues in my business and in my life. She has managed to help me focus my efforts and my attention so that I become the best version of me possible to serve myself and my clients."
Ashley Northington
CEO Denor Brands and PR Nashville, TN
"I learned how to set boundaries, reclaim my time, and focus on what truly matters. The Soft Life program gave me the tools and mindset shifts I needed to live authentically and joyfully."
Ron Cohn
International Consultant Seoul, South Korea
"This program transformed my life. I went from feeling overwhelmed and stressed to living a life of balance and joy. The weekly coaching calls and supportive community made all the difference!"
Sri Thayi,
CEO of Country Goddess New, NY
"I enjoyed being coached by someone who has lived abroad and was able to help me to construct a plan of action that fits my personality and comfort level. I appreciated that Cha was able to help me to assess what was really important to me, as well as examine the fears that have prevented me from moving forward in the direction that I desire."
Z. Slaughter,
Coaching Client Atlanta, GA